Petsafe Ssscat Spray Deterrent Kit, Petsafe Ssscat Spray Deterrent Kit, , large click and hold to zoom
Petsafe Ssscat Spray Deterrent Kit, Petsafe Ssscat Spray Deterrent Kit, , large click and hold to zoom
Item #: JR323274

Petsafe Ssscat Spray Deterrent Kit


Sale Price $94.99
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Product Details

Keep pets away from off-limits areas without harm.
  • Motion-activated SSSCAT senses when your furry friend is within 3 feet
  • Emits a quick, odorless spray as a gentle reminder to stay away from off-limits areas
  • Pets learn to avoid the area after just a few sprays
  • Lasts up to 120 spays
  • 2.5" w x 7.5" h x 3" d, 1.75 lbs.
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