10 (Free!) Ways to be Sweet this Sweetest Day
Tomorrow is Sweetest Day.
While some think of it as a second Valentine’s Day, it was actually founded as a day to bring cheer to the less fortunate in your community. Today, it’s a great opportunity to take some time to show the people you love how much you care.
Celebrate Sweetest Day by doing a little something for anyone who makes your life special—maybe a child, spouse, parent, grandparent, neighbor, or friend. Here’s a list of simple (and free) things you can do for anyone on Sweetest Day–or ANY day!

Simple, Sweet Ideas for Sweetest Day
1. Give a hug. Many people, especially those who live alone or in nursing homes, don’t get hugged often enough. Do you know someone who would just love a hug? Give them one!
2. Play a game. When was the last time you played a board game? Get out the checkers, Chess, Scrabble or Monopoly and have some fun.
3. Write a letter. Maybe even an old-fashioned one on paper—everyone loves seeing something for them (other than a bill) in their mailbox.

4. Bring a gift from nature. Pick some flowers or find an unusual pine cone, colorful feather or stone.
5. Write a little note. Jot down something that you appreciate about them, a memory of something you did together, or even an uplifting quote. Leave it in a place where they’ll find it.
6. Or draw a picture. You know the way kids draw pictures as gifts? Just because you’re a grown-up doesn’t mean you can’t do it, too! It could just be some stick figures or a heart drawn with crayon—you don’t have to be an artist!
7. Bake or cook a treat. Cookies, cupcakes, bread, soup…it could be their favorite meal or a new recipe you know they’ll love. Or bring them a few pieces of fresh fruit.
8. Do 15 minutes of housework for someone else. This might not sound like fun, but it can mean a lot. Rake leaves, clean gutters, wash the car, vacuum the carpet…anything that’s easy for you that would make their day.
9. Get out! Go to a park, ride a carousel, pick apples, see a ball game, go window shopping.
10. Just talk. Call up someone you haven’t talked to in a while, or stop by a neighbor’s house to catch up.
Of course, if you do want to buy a special gift, we have some great ideas for you at Ginny’s!
What are your favorite fun, unexpected ways to show your loved ones you care?
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